Orcaflex Thesis Download As Powerpoint
Theses are scanned and added to this collection after degrees are awarded.Faculty supervisor: Prof. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. Theses in this collection have been scanned by the MIT Libraries or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. For a description of this le’s purpose, and instructions on its use, see below.MASTER’S THESIS Study program/ Specialization: Spring semester, 2012 Offshore Technology - Marine Technology and Subsea Engineering Open / Restricted access Writer: Mina KarimiMITs DSpace contains more than 53,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800s. APPROACH A Thesis by HAOYUAN GU Submitted to the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies of 8 9 Approach to the Noninear soil model for OrcaFlex Y T May 3rd, 2019 - 8 9 Approach to the Noninear soil model for OrcaFlex Y T Kim pptx Download as Powerpoint Presentation ppt pptx PDF File pdf Text File txt sample thesis, are distributed in the hope that it will be useful but without any warranty (without even the implied warranty of tness for a particular purpose).
Orcaflex Thesis Software Orcaflex To
It can be exported into the commercial software Orcaflex to achieve fully coupled analysis of the WSA system. Line 2 Tension Comparison between MOORING3D and Orcaflex.14 Figure 8. Line 1 Tension Comparison between MOORING3D and Orcaflex.13 Figure 7.
DEDICATION (NO REQUIRED FOR RESEARCH PAPER) (The dedication, as the name suggests is a Key words: Steel pipeline, Flexible pipeline, Installation, Sideway current, Makassar Strait, OrcaFlexPages: 133 + enclosure: CD Contains OrcaFlex filesAbstract This master thesis is describing the theoretical & analytical principles of pipeline installation. A page and one-half is approximately 350 words.) iii. A thesis abstract should consist of 350 words or less including the heading.

Fortunately the program OrcaFlex is capable to do both analyses. First step is a static analysis and the second is a dynamic analysis. Analysis will be carried out in 2 steps.
Same criteria apply to the lateral links. Tension forces in a vertical link will represent stinger roller reactions when the pipe is sitting on the roller, and zero force will represent a pipe lift-off. The idea is that these links will act as “roller” restraints. The links are restricted to only accept tension forces without any shear forces or bending moments.
This end represents the barge tensioner. The upper end of the pipeline is fixed to the barge and will not accept torsion. These lateral links are simple but very useful components for the model to reach its equilibrium during iterations.
First of all, I would like to give sincere gratitude to my supervisor Prof. OrcaFlex outputs will be observed to find out which scenario gives the “worst” condition during pipe-lay.Acknowledgement This thesis work is prepared to fulfill the requirement in the Master of Science degree in the Faculty of Natural Science and Technology in University of Stavanger. Cases presented will be named based on these directions. In this project the directions will be 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 150°, and 180°. Different direction scenarios will be taken for the current.

Elevation indicated by the color scale 1 Most offshore activities are concentrated in a few basins likethe Gulf of Mexico 2 Characteristics of mature areas include familiar geology and frontier areas are characterised by little knowledge of the geology 4 The subsequent development of the North Sea is one of the greatest investment projects in the world 5 Production on the Norwegian continental shelf has been dominated by a few large fields 5Use of flowline offshore 7 Subsea Flowlines connect a wellhead to a riser system 9 Hydrate removals from pipeline 10 Direct Electrical Heating 11 Drilling riser joints with buoyancy modules 12 Standard flexible riser configurations 13 Alternative flexible riser configurations 13 Laser End Measurement Systems 14 Steel catenary risers 14 Simple Catenary, Buoyant wave, Lazy Wave and Bottom Weighted Risers 15 Simple Catenary Risers in Near and Far Positions 16 Buoyant Wave Risers in Near and Far Positions 16 Grouped SLOR 18Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8 Figure 3.9 Figure 3.10 Figure 3. Mina Karimi June 26th, 2012 Stavanger, NorwayTable of Contents Abstract Acknowledgment Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures List of DiagramsHistoric overview of offshore field development Current activities and trends Mature areas versus frontier areas The North Sea & the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS)Chapter 2 – Offshore pipelines and steel risersOffshore pipelines 2.1.1 Historical background 2.1.2 Purposes of using pipelines 2.1.3 Pipeline Design Flowlines and risers 2.2.1 Design challenges for flowline systems 2.2.2 Electric heating of flowlines Risers 2.3.1 Drilling Risers - Typically top tensioned risers (TTRs) 2.3.2 Flexible risers 2.3.3 Steel catenary risers Characteristic of Steel catenary risers Steel catenary riser types 2.3.4 Hybrid riser towers 2.3.5 Grouped Single Line Offset Riser (SLOR)Flexible pipe basics Material Selection Types of pipe Layer by layer investigation 3.4.1 Carcass 3.4.2 Inner Liner – Pressure Sheath 3.4.3 Pressure Armour 3.4.4 Tensile Armour 3.4.5 Intermediate Layers 3.4.6 Outer SheathTypes of Umbilicals 4.2.1 Thermoplastic umbilical 4.2.2 Hybrid Umbilical 4.2.3 Power Umbilical 4.2.4 Steel Tube Umbilical Configurations and Applications 4.3.1 Dynamic, Riser Umbilicals 4.3.2 Static UmbilicalsChapter 5 - Offshore pipeline installation methodsMethods for pipeline installation 5.1.1 S-Lay 5.1.2 J-Lay 5.1.3 Reeling 5.1.4 Towing Guidelines & Constraints for pipeline installation methodChapter 6 – Flexible risers and umbilical installation methodsMethods for umbilical installation 6.1.1 Lowering a riser or umbilical over a stern chute 6.1.2 Lowering a riser or umbilical through a moonpool 6.1.3 Transfer of an umbilical from an installation vessel to a floating platform 6.1.4 Lowering a subsea package Guidelines & Constraints for flexible risers and umbilical installation methodGeneral description about Orcaflex Orcaflex Coordinate System Static and Dynamic stage 7.3.1 Static analysis 7.3.2 Dynamic analysis Modeling in OrcaflexChapter 8 – Case analysis, Installation of steel pipelines and flexible pipelines in sideway current 49 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4Introduction Makassar Strait Current Speed Data Case description Theoretical Background: Stress Theory and Allowables 8.4.1 Circumferential stress due to pressure 8.4.2 Bending stress 8.4.3 Orcaflex equivalent stress 8.4.4 DNV equivalent stress 8.4.5 Allowable stressChapter 9 – Case 1, Installation of steel pipelines in sideway currentAnalysis Result 9.2.1 Static results 9.2.2 Dynamic results 9.2.3 Minimum pipe grade requirement ConclusionChapter 10 – Case 2, Installation of flexible pipelines in sideway currentCase properties Analysis Result 10.2.1 Static results 10.2.2 Dynamic results ConclusionChapter 11 - Conclusion and RecommendationsConclusion Recommendations for further worksAppendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix DFamilies of flexible pipeline Families and layers that used in them Material selection for Inner Liner – Pressure Sheath Traditional material selection for ArmourRecord of average speed and directions at various depths -Direction is measured clockwise from north direction 52Properties for pipe-lay case1 Static analysis results (Case1) Dynamic analysis results (case 1)Properties for pipe-lay case 2 Products’ main properties (case 2) Dynamic analysis results (case 2)Comparison of tension in steel pipeline and flexible pipeline, Dynamic state 77 Comparison of von Mises stress in steel pipeline and flexible pipeline, Dynamic state 77List of Figures Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Figure 1.4 Figure 1.5Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5 Figure 2.6 Figure 2.7 Figure 2.8 Figure 2.9 Figure 2.10Map of the world based on sea level. I would not make it without you all. Your supports, your loves and the laughs are things that keep me going forward.